Our Culture

Who we are

We are a diverse mix of ordinary people who are amazed by the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. We meet together to hear God speak through the Bible, to praise God together in song, to pray to God who hears us, and to be encouraged to love and serve one another and our world.

Our Name – Redeemer Church – shows our focus. We want people of all ages and backgrounds to know Jesus the Redeemer. He is the one who saves and redeems us from sin, satan and the many other things that trap us. He redeems us in order to make us sons and daughters of the living God.

We are evangelical and Anglican in terms of our thinking and practice, and in partnership with our CCA diocese and other like-minded churches in New Zealand.

Our history

Arising from the gospel need for a new fellowship of Anglican Churches in NZ, a group of us met in a scout hall in Burnside over summer 2018/19. We opened God’s word, we prayed, and discerned that God was leading us to come together and form as a church, in partnership with CCAANZ, to make God’s good news about Jesus known in Western Christchurch. In God’s kindness, we held our first public church service at Hornby High School on 24 February 2019.

What we value as a church:

We are gospel-centred. Because God is good news for people!

We are Christ-focused. Because Jesus is the Lord who died to save us.

We are a Bible-using church. Because this is how God speaks by his Spirit.

We are conversion-seeking people. Because turning to trust him is what God wants for our good.

We are a disciple-making & maturing church. Because when God saves us, he sets to work transforming us into Christ-likeness.

We are a connecting community. Because it’s God’s plan to gather a people of all ages, nations, and backgrounds.

If shorthand labels are helpful, Redeemer Church might be described as Reformed, Evangelical and Anglican in terms our thinking and practice.

Are you interested to find out more?

Register your interest for our newcomers course via our Fluro form: